Category Archives: Uncategorized



Saturday 4th January – Saturday 5th April inclusive.

Half Term Break, modified training – Monday 17th February – Saturday 22nd February. 


Tuesday 22nd April – Saturday 26th July inclusive.

Monday 5th May – Bank Holiday.

Half Term Break, modified training – Monday 26th May – Saturday 31st May.


Monday 18th August – Friday 19th December inclusive.

Monday 25th August – Bank Holiday

Half Term Break, modified training – Saturday 18th October – Friday 24th October.


Last day of Term 2024 – FRIDAY 29th November 2024


Monday 6th January – Saturday 5th April inclusive.

Half Term Break, no classes – MONDAY 17th February – Saturday 22nd February.


Tuesday 22nd April – Monday 21st July inclusive.

Monday 5th May – Bank Holiday, no Classes.

Half Term Break, no classes – Monday 26th May – Saturday 31st June .


Saturday 30th August – Friday 28th November inclusive.

Half Term Break, no classes – Saturday 18th October – Friday 24th October.




Your attention is drawn to the code of conduct for Gymnasts and Parents, as advertised on our information board.


Before each session, please ensure your child is in good health and physically able to participate. Follow the advice of your doctor regarding any infectious illnesses (e.g., chicken pox).

Notify your child’s session coach of any health issues, special situations, or any other issue that may currently be upsetting or affecting your child (e.g., bullying at school, illness of a grandparent).

Please ensure you keep our office informed of any medical condition that may affect their participation.

If your child has any chronic or ongoing medical conditions you should make our office aware of these when your child first joins the club and subsequently as issues arise.

PLASTERS – Covering cuts is important as it reduces the risk of infection, promotes healing and also prevents blood coming into contact with other children. It is our policy to apply adhesive dressings to any minor abrasions, which will allow your child to continue with their class. Please inform the office if you are unhappy for this to be done.

VERUCAS, etc. – Minor foot infections can be spread during any activity where participants have bare feet, but are typically most commonly spread via wet surfaces (i.e., swimming pool changing areas) and less so via the floor surfaces found in the gym. If your child has a verruca, please cover it; we are happy for them to wear socks if they will feel more comfortable.

REMEMBER – No Jewellery permitted. Please, no face paint or colour hair sprays!

Long hair must be tied back neatly, using a plain elastic hair band, (NOT hair accessories, flowers, butterflies, etc.).

A Leotard, with shorts for boys, must be worn.

NOTE – All recreational gymnasts must purchase club uniform (leotard for girls, plus shorts for boys) within half a term of their joining the club.

No Gum, Food or Drink in the gym. We encourage you to offer your child a drink of water before class.

For the Safety and Welfare of your child – ABSOLUTELY MAKE SURE the office has your up to date contact details. ESPECIALLY mobile phone and email address.

Please appreciate that Bromley Valley is unable to update your contact details with “British Gymnastics” and it is vital that they have correct information. PLEASE ENSURE you update your details with BG as necessary.

From time to time it is necessary for us to contact a gymnast’s parents/guardians. We will direct this correspondence to the parent/guardian recorded at the time of application to the club. It is the responsibility of that parent/guardian to circulate this information to any other carer who may be responsible for delivering, collecting or otherwise making arrangements for the gymnast’s participation in Bromley Valley activities.

Although you do not have to stay during class YOU MUST ensure someone else (i.e., another parent known to your child) is happy to take responsibility for your child in your absence (for instance, for when they need to go to the toilet).

Remember, young gymnasts, both boys and girls, may not be used to the extra inconvenience of removing their leotard when visiting the toilet! Perhaps some practice would be wise before a real visit turns into an embarrassing accident….

MAKE SURE you are there to pick your child up at the end of class, or CALL US to let us know you’ll be late, if necessary leaving a message on our answer phone.

Persistent failure to pick up on time will result in your child’s exclusion from class.


All fees and subscriptions are due to be paid before the end of the preceding term.

To ensure your child is protected by the relevant insurance policies it is essential that fees for Club membership and London Gymnastics membership are paid to the office before your child enters the gymnasium. You must also register your child with British Gymnastics and pay the relevant BG membership fee before they can participate. British Gymnastics membership fees are due when your child first starts with Bromley Valley and are then renewable every following September.

Please contact the office if you have problems paying your bill. If fees are not paid in time and no contact is made we may be forced to exclude your child from their class.

We do not offer to refund fees for classes that your child misses. Except in exceptional circumstances (see below) we cannot substitute one class time with another if you are unable to attend your allocated class, because this may contravene our insurance cover.

If we are forced to cancel a recreational gymnastics class (for instance, because of bad weather, facility or staffing problems), we will always do our best to provide an alternative class to make up for lost gym time. If it is not possible to re-schedule a particular class we will offer gymnasts a place in an appropriate alternative class at a different time, or day of the week.

On very rare occasions it is impossible to achieve a “12 week” term for all recreational classes (usually due to the timing of the Easter weekend). Where this occurs, the preceding, or following term will include 13 sessions. The cost of a term‘s classes will not vary in this instance.

VIDEO AND PHOTOGRAPHY – Membership of Bromley Valley means you agree to your child’s image occasionally being used in video or photographs; for example on our Website, Facebook page and in Newsletters for the promotion of the activities of the club. All published images will be of an appropriate nature and will strictly adhere to the criteria set out in British Gymnastics policies on the use of photographs. We will not reveal any personal details of your child (i.e., their name) when using such images, except with your permission (for instance, if they are awarded a medal in a competition).

Use of Photo or Video during class

It is not normally permitted for parents to photograph activities in the gym during training. This is because it can cause distraction and it is impossible to control the content of any images captured. It may be possible to organise for you to photograph your child in the gym outside of normal class time, please discuss this with your coach.

Photography during Internal events

We will normally permit parents to take photographs and video during our club events (Display Day, Club Competition, Badge Day, etc.). We will announce this at the beginning of each event. We ask that you do not post photographs or video, containing images of other children, on Social Media Platforms (i.e., Facebook).

Information that we collect and how we use it

We collect personal information that you give us (such as name, address, telephone numbers, next of kin, medical conditions) in order to:
• manage Bromley Valley Gymnastic Centre,
• organise classes and events safely,
• be able to contact you

We do not store any of your financial details (Bank account, debit and credit card details) in processing payments for the goods and services provided.

It is your responsibility to advise us of material changes to personal information (e.g. change of address, phone number). When updating your personal information, we may ask you to verify your identity before we can act on your request.


Information sharing

We share information with British Gymnastics, our sport’s governing body, for the purposes of running a compliant British Gymnastics club, and for providing the necessary insurance cover for gymnasts.
We do not share any personal data with other organisations, public or private, other than exceptionally where we have a belief in good faith that disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to:
• meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request.
• detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud or financial crime
• protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of BVGC, our staff, customers or the public, as required or permitted by law.

Information security

We work to protect BVGC and our customers from unauthorised access to or disclosure of information that we hold.
We review our information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures, to guard against unauthorised access to systems. We restrict access to personal information to BVGC employees, contractors and agents who need to know that information in order to process it for us and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations.